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Dance Alive!

    Welcome to the seventeenth BloodThirsty Vegans newsletter. February 2011 Edition. The BloodThirsty Vegans (BTVs) is a musical family that makes music (sweet, sweet music) about peace, love and understanding to unite the human family, foster respect for the interconnected web of life, and remind the tribes how liberating it was to dance the dances of freedom.

    Currently the BloodThirsty Vegans are My Rap Name is Alex, Janna "MC Vendetta" Willoughby, Dave Harter, Ben Sachs, Bryan "Brrrn" Lohr & Kaitlyn Marie Gardner and sometimes Michael Delaney or Liz Bailey.

    Contacting BloodThirsty Vegans directly is pretty simple. We are all regular visitors to our facebook page. We design and operate our own website at that has message forums where you can leave messages for us or other BTV friends and fans. We also have myspace and twitter.

Check out All 6 Videos

    Well, we took the month of January off to do some recording. And due to unforseen circumstances we didn't get any audio recording done. But we did get the last two band interview segments recorded in January (see the Video Vault below). You can click here to see the post where we've collected all six band videos if you like.

Back in action with SHOWS!

    We may not have been recording them yet, but we sure have been writing and rehearsing a lot of new songs lately. You can come hear some as we swing back into action with three great shows this month (see upcoming shows below).

    This will include our first out of town show in a while, though not very far out of town in case any locals want to travel with us. It's in Rochester, and it's a fund raiser for the Flying Squirrel Community Space. All three shows are gonna be great.

The Rest of the news

    We are going to be updating portions of our website soon. And one upgrade we will be taking a look at is making better use of facebook. We're hoping that if we place some of these "recommend" buttons around, that you will help us out by clicking on them.

a little chat w/ Team Dave

Team Dave talks about drumming for BloodThirsty Vegans and what kinds of songs and shows he likes... and does bike repair at the same time.

a little chat w/ Kaitlyn Gardner

Kaitlyn Marie Gardner, keyboard player for BloodThirsty Vegans, talks about being in BloodThirsty Vegans, being the youngest BloodThirsty Vegan, and whether or not the BloodThirsty Vegans are a weird band.


Dance Alive! [6:00pm]

695 Elmwood Ave
[$5 recommended donation] [All Ages]

Dance Alive! February 2011
Friday February 4th - All Ages Dance Party (bring your toddler, go get your grampa, LET'S DANCE!)

at the UU Church of Buffalo
695 Elmwood Ave - Buffalo, NY 14222
(at the corner of Elmwood & W Ferry (please use the garden side entrance))

Featuring music by BloodThirsty Vegans and Whiskey Reverb


Flying Squirrel BTV Party of Fun Funky Goodness [7:00pm]
Flying Squirrel Community Space - 285 Clarissa St.
Rochester, NY [14608]
[All Ages][donation based]

    The Flying Squirrel Community Space ( exists to provide a welcoming space that will cultivate and sustain long lasting relationships between artists, activists, and community members in Rochester, NY.

    At 7pm on the evening of Friday, February 18th of 2011 the BloodThirsty Vegans will be hosting a fund raiser to help raise funds for all of the beautiful things that go on at the Flying Squirrel.

    We are totally going to have an awesome time! If you wish to attend this event the cost of admission can be determined by you. This is a fund raiser so please give generously if you are able. Please also keep in mind that there will be a raffle and Auctions and "the Gentle Pillow Fight" and BTV Stuff for sale and other such things for which you might want to bring additional fundage.


Live at Elmwood Lounge [10pm]

522 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, New York

BTVs Live at Elmwood Lounge February
Friday February 25th

Meet up at the corner of Elmwood & W. Utica to see the BTV Return to rock the spot at the Elmwood Lounge. We're gonna bring the joyful noise and play some new tunes.

$3 cover

    We are now booking shows for March 2011. Please send any ideas or inquiries to booking at bloodthirstyvegans dot com. For more info on our upcoming show schedule check out this link where we post upcoming shows.

BloodThirsty Vegans didn't play any shows in January, but we did get video from a friend of our New Year's Eve show.

Nietzsche's on New Year's Eve - BloodThirsty Vegans live at Nietzsche's in Buffalo, NY for New Year's Eve. Contains Clips from: "Do You Even Know?", "Who's to Blame?", "Jamminibitty" & "Love"

Gratitude for all courageous people, wherever they may be, who rise up, unite, and demand to be free.

Fun Link of the Month
Amel Mathlouthi - kelmte hora

Watching people get free is pretty fun. (lyrics). (Thanks for posting this Roxanne.)

Social Networks Report

In January we had our MySpace Music page go over 5,000 friends and our new BTVs' MySpace Fan Page go over 25,000 friends! Thank you to all of our new friends on myspace. That's probably enough with the myspace for now since people don't seem to use it that much any more. YouTube --which people use a lot-- saw our young channel go from 3,000 video views to over 3,900 video views. That's a nice jump for one month, we'll take it.

Check us out all around the web:
click em:

Go love someone. Peace.

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